
    Braden Honors New Citizenship of Member

    Last year we had the honor of welcoming brother Miguel Viarra to our craft.  Brother Miguel is originally from Portugal and when we found out he had just received his American citizenship, we decided it was a cause for celebration.  So unbeknownst to him, our "Open Fellowship" night of August 4th was transformed into a surprise party.  The ding room was decked out in American flags and various red, white, and blue decorations.  We also invited Miguel's family, again, without his knowledge.  Junior Deacon and resident chef Brother David Potter prepared a meal featuring both classic American and traditional Portugese dishes.    The surpirse was almost ruined when Brother Miguel, remembering that it was a meal night, decided to come by early to help with dinner, but a few last minute "urgent" errands kept him busy until everyone had arrived and the party could start.


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